Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Province of South Sulawesi

South Sulawesi is a province of Indonesia, located in the southern part of Sulawesi. The capital city is Makassar, formerly known as no longer significant.

South Sulawesi Province is situated in 0 ° 12 '- 8 ° south latitude and 116 ° 48' - 122 ° 36 'East Longitude. Area of 62482.54 km ². The province is bordered by Central Sulawesi and West Sulawesi to the north, the Gulf of Bone and Southeast Sulawesi in the east, west of Makassar Strait and Flores Sea in the south.


Women from Ethnic Toraja with customary clothing
Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, Toraja, Duri, Pattinjo, Maroangin, Endekan, Pattae, and Kajang / Konjo


Common language used was Makassar, Bugis, Luwu, Toraja, Mandar, Duri, Konjo, and Pattae


Muslim majority, except in Tana Toraja and other parts of the Christian religion.


Up to June 2006, the number of residents in South Sulawesi as many as 7,520,204 registered inhabitants, with the distribution of 3.602 million males and 3,918,204 females


Five years after independence, the government issued Law Number 21 Year 1950, which became the legal basis for the establishment of the Administrative Province of Sulawesi. 10 years later, the government issued Law Number 47 Year 1960 which authorize the formation of South and Southeast Sulawesi. Four years later, through Law No. 13 Year 1964 separating government from South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi. Finally, the government of South Sulawesi split into two, based on Law Number 26 Year 2004.

indonesiaculturePicture of Coal

District Majene, Mamasa, Mamuju, North Mamuju and Polewali Mandar who had been a district in South Sulawesi province officially became a district in the province of West Sulawesi province in line with the establishment on October 5, 2004 based on Law Number 26 Year 2004.

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